Hahaaa sadly this is so true! My husband just got home from work and ... well, it's just another day. It was fun back when we were dating, but I'm ok with it just being Saturday :)
But .... to all of you who do actually celebrate, I hope you have a fantastic night! It's about 500 degrees below zero here with the windchill & I am not leaving my house until Monday when I have to go back to work. I have a list of things to get done around here & so far I've ..... well, I've made the list.
The last couple of weeks have been rough around here ... there's just not enough Lysol in the world. First I was sick, thankfully not the OMGI'mdying kind of sick, but enough that I did miss one day of work. I was just feeling better, when my 12 year old became ill. Again, thankfully, no fever nor stomach issues -- the 2 worst kinds of sick. But he did miss 2 days of school.
NOW we are all better **knocking on wood** ... and I am back on the fitness track. We joined a gym last month, & I LOVE it! Wait ... who said that?? Never did I imagine I'd like going to a gym. When I was sick all I could think about was having to start over & that I couldn't wait to get back. If you are into fitness, I found a GREAT blog .....
Fitness Food Diva
now, I don't do nearly what she does ... nor will I ever ... but what I love about her blog is all the different things she does with weights & machines. I've been using the machines as I was shown only ... she shows ways to use them that are a bit more creative & works other muscles than what they were originally intended for, & the more things I can do during my time at the gym the better. Check it out if you're looking for a little something different in your routine!
And .... still loving my Fitbit!!!! Very motivational ... instead of thinking "I do NOT want to go all the way down to the warehouse" when I'm at work, I now offer to go for other people LOL. It's an awesome feeling to see at the end of a long busy day that I've walked more than 15,000 steps ... makes me feel like I accomplished something, even if I accomplished nothing.
I am leaving you with a photo of one of my favorite Valentine's Day cards I ever made, with one of the cutest High Hopes images ever:
Yes, I miss making cards. Yes, I still read craft blogs & follow craft boards on Pinterest. You can take the girl away from the crafts, but you can never take the craft out of the girl, I guess.
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