so it's nice to finally see some green ... and a flower or two!! Here are a few updates in my oh-so-exciting life:
1) I was sick for 3 stinkin' weeks. That's on top of the other 2 times I've been sick since the beginning of the year. Needless to say, I have already used all my sick time at work :(
2) Still going to the gym ... yay me! Well, I did have that 3 week vacation ... see #1.
3) Also still Fitbitting. Bet you didn't know that could be used as a verb! If you have a Fitbit, let me know & I'll send you a friend request!
4) I really hope to be more blog-busy in the coming months. Much to my husband's dismay, I am adding at least one large flower garden to our yard this year. He's always fought me, saying a garden in the middle of the yard (it's not really in the middle of the yard) is a pain to mow around. Well, since our son does all the mowing now ..... hubby no longer has a say in the matter. Ha! So ... another garden = more flowers = more photos!
5) And .... of course ... there's always a chance I'll make another card :)
photos so better than mine at the moment - need to stop taking when so tied...daffodils in my garden finished - seems ahead of yrs and magnolia nearly...rhubarb though at same stage as yrs. I too am still at the gym, but it has only increased the amount of food I am eating as I am starving...will be out in the garden this weekend as supposed to be nice.
Have a great weekend
Sarah x
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