I feel like I've hit a brick wall lately with just about everything in my life. I was so gung ho about getting my house organized these last few months.... & really, I've taken about 25 bags of stuff to Goodwill. But every time I walk by my husband's bedroom, I think "why bother?". He is an honest to goodness hoarder, & no matter how clean & organized the rest of the house is, I still have to look at his hole of a room, our garage that can barely fit one car (it's a 2 car garage) & our shed that looks like Home Depot threw up inside of it.
I've also been trying really hard to craft at least a little bit. Heck, coloring in a color book would be better than nothing (side note: Did you all SEE these adult coloring books?? When I think of adult books these are NOT what come to mind but they are way cool!). I started another card about 2 weeks ago, & stopped halfway through cutting my colored image. I think I had to leave ... but I haven't gone back to it. I feel like I'm trying to force myself to get back into it. When do I stop doing that? I thought getting my work space organized & purging would really help motivate me. But I feel like I need something that's all mine. Making cards was that thing that was mine. Reading blogs & chatting on Facebook is not a hobby, but that seems to be what I do in my spare time. Oh, & let's not forget Pinterest. Wait ... I think I found the problem ....
And work ... work is good. I go up & down, sometimes I love it & sometimes ... not so much. But I guess we all go through that. I am very lucky to have the job that I have. Heck, I'm lucky to have a job at all! I will be there 5 years in July. Did that time fly or what?? Seems like yesterday I was all jittery about starting my new job!
Anyhoo, if you read all this, thank you ~~ I didn't mean for this to be a depressing post. Do you go through periods where nothing seems "right"? Blue, but you don't know why?? It's kind of like PMS, but I don't have PMS. Must be that peri-menopause my doctor's been telling me I have for the last 92 years ....
Ha made me laugh...loving the colour me happy book...I am soooo like you - glad got a job - but would leave tomorrow.. and yes been pre -menopauseable for the last god knows how many years. Pinterest is addictive - popping on for 5 mins turns into a few hrs!...Is yr bleeding heart out in yr garden already?
Chin up
Sarah x
Hi I hope you are feeling better, I actually feel a bit like that today. I expected more to my Fridays Blog Booster Party#6 so it got to me a bit. Good thing is I get to read all the great posts and I learn so much. Then I came across you and you are new to this party so that has helped cheer me.
Thanks for coming and I hope you return next week.
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Fridays Blog Booster Party#6
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