I'm always sad to see the weekend come to an end. But like death & taxes, Mondays are a sure thing.
Friday night I was supposed to go to a local festival, but a headache got the better of me. My son went.... which means I still stayed up late waiting for him to come home. The whole driving thing just never gets easier for a mom, does it?
Saturday was a good day. Got up EARLY {ok, 7 is early for me on a Saturday. I relish my weekends just because I don't have to get up at 5:30 for work. I wish I were a morning person, but I'm just not. Never have been, never will be} to take my son to his baseball practice. After that I went to the gym & worked my butt off {I wish I could work this butt off!} and THEN I came home & mowed our front yard!! There's something about friends that are OLDER than me getting WAY more steps on their Fitbit that really motivates me. I had 11,000 steps in by 2:00, when I had to stop mowing for the day & get ready for a partayyyy.
And I just may have had one or five of these ....
Our neighbors had a grad party for their son. Geez, he was just a wee one when we moved here ... times does go so fast. But it was fun watching all the boys in the neighborhood hang out together .... talking ... playing "volleyball frisbee" (is that a thing?? Or did they make that up??). Nice to see nobody on their phones or ipods, socializing in person, running around & having a great time. They are a great group of kids & I'm proud of the young men they have become.
And feeding the dog is always fun too ...
Again, even though I came home around 10 because I was exhausted ... I stayed up to wait for my child to come home. He only had to walk about 100 feet, but I was not going to sleep until my little chickadee was home safely.
And we won't mention what time that was.
Today was hot & humid .... icky .... I can't do humidity. I was going to finish the lawn but I about melted just running to the garden shop. So I stayed in & caught up on laundry & other various unfun things.
I am going to watch an episode or 2 of "Breaking Bad" (am I the last to watch this show?) then going to bed early. Must rest up in order to face .... monday .... sigh ...
Elwood says "have a great week!"
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