Hello all....Happy Wednesday! Nope, I don't have my blog candy ready yet.....but a good friend of mine has an amazing array that she is giving away!!! Check out the HH DIVA/artiste extraordinaire herself.....CRISSY!!!! She has a grand prize.....a second prize....& a third & fourth prize!!! Makes my blog candy look piddly....so I'll just wait a few days to post mine, lol!!
Actually, I am taking a few days off. I just finished a few Etsy orders....& I'm carded out. I haven't received my new High Hopes images yet, either, & I was really hoping to do a sneak peek or two (Crissy also has a few of those on her blog!!!) but it works out because honestly, I am burnt out. I am sad. The whole job thing has really gotten me down. I know I'm not the only one....but I've been looking for quite a while now & it really shoots down one's self esteem to send resume after resume, only to hear nothing. I keep questioning my decision 10 years ago to quit an EXCELLENT job that I absolutely LOVED to stay home with my new baby. I know in my heart I did the right thing by staying home with my kids....but never in a million years did I believe I'd be trying to go back to work in an economy such as this. My husband's hours have been cut.....he's only been working 3 weeks out of the month....& now today I found out his unemployment has been lowered. So......I need to take a few days to regroup & charge my battery. I'm going to spend time playing games with my kids....because they make me smile :)
I will be back soon with that blog candy, though!! Even if I don't get my package with the blog candy rubber.....I have a back up plan, lol. So stay tuned!! Have a great week & don't forget to check out Crissy's blog candy!!!
Chicken Ravioli Bake
1 week ago
Don't be sad, Michelle. You will get a package soon
Sorry to hear about the job troubles Michelle. I know just how you're feeling though. My husband has been out of work for a year and a half and he's having such a hard time with it. It's so tough to be rejected over and over. My thoughts are with you and your family.
I hope you Relax and Enjoy your few days off Michelle. I'm so sorry things aren't looking up for you and your hubby yet..I sure hope the economy picks up soon.I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers..Take Care!!..Big Hugs!..Ila
Hi Michelle,
Sorry to hear you are so sad. It is so very hard to job hunt in this economic climate, and I hope you get some good news very soon.
Yes, you did do the right thing to stay at home with your lovely boys.
Babies grow up so quickly, and I know you wouldn't want to miss a moment of it.(Loved loved loved your bedelia butterfly card)
Sending happy thoughts and bestest wishes to you.
Elaine xx
Michelle, I just wanted to say a quick hello and that I am thinking of you and praying for you. I know it is really hard for your family right now. But know that you made the right choice to stay home with your kids. You can never get time back...but you don't have worry about that...because you spent that time with what matters most...family! Things will work out...they always do!! Big hugs :-) And lots of prayers.
Hi Michelle, Sorry you are feeling so low - it's so hard to feel creative when you are feeling like you are. I stopped work to be a SAHM to a now 6 yr old DD - they grow up so fast and you can't have that time over - don't regret the past - you did the right thing at that particular time.
Would it help if I stamped some images and sent them to you? Some Blog Candy for you instead? I have lots of Penny Black images- the cute ones like the dogs, cats and hedgehogs, plus Elzybells and Fluffles the cat and would be happy to share some with you just to say "thank you for your Blog". It doesn't matter that I'm in Australia - I have just sent some images to someone I met online at SCS who lives in Canada, so it would be no trouble (I realise you're in the USA).
Drop me a PM via SCS if you wish to - see link via my SCS Gallery. And of course, I respect your privacy if you would prefer not to - no offence taken:-)
Thinking of you and sending you lots of happy wishes.
Hi Michelle
So sad hearing about your job problems. I pray that it will all work out the best way for you!!
My english is not so great so I have not the opportunity to explanin all in words, so I will just say*bearhug for you* and strenghthugs your way.
Lots of happyness, smiles and luck for you all
Best wishes and take care Michelle
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