I walked right by this little scenario today, & didn't even notice him at first.....
Can't see me.....
Elwood is 15 yrs old & still acts like a kitten sometimes. He usually lays under the tree....on the *floor*.....but this is the first time he's climbed up on the box we put the tree on. You know that scene in "ET" where he hides in the stuffed animals? Elwood must have watched that movie while I was at work! Can you see his paws wrapped around the stuffed bear?
I have to admit it's a good spot.....all those fluffy plush animals, right in the sun!!
Hmmm....wonder how tall this tree is......
I still have shopping to do & cookies to bake. My MIL came for a visit today so I didn't do anything I was supposed to. Instead, we all went out to lunch & played the Wii!! Sometimes, ya just gotta take a break from it all!!
Have a great week!!

Awwwwh hun! Thanks for sharing your little chap's adventures under the tree - he certainly does look at home in the sunshine. Now if it were Vince, the tree would be over and very nibbled! You just gotta love 'em though. An extra big cuddle to him from me. Hugs, Sxx
Awww, Elwood looks sooo cute in amongst all the toys. My cat (Ruby) has been very busy "undecorating" our Christmas tree and batting the baubles (thanks goodness they are plastic) around the house and chewing the tinsel (I vacuumed up a whole pile of little bits of tinsel today - ick - how can she chew it?!!). But she is only just 2 - still a kitten - but then maybe she will never grow up if Elwood is still acting like a kitty!
Happy Christmas to you Michelle, and to all your family. Hope that your Mom is doing OK. May all your dreams come true in 2011! And may it be a much less stressful year for you too.
Our cat used to jump up into the branches and lie there peering out at all who passed by! I haven't seen her do that this year, but she does enjoy lying underneath the tree. Thanks for sharing your story!
Although I definitely would not have a CAT :(
this is good fun, really did not see the first picture
but you can see that he is very comfortable among the plush animals
I love cats so NO, I am not skipping yours! I have two and they both love the tree. I find it is so amusing that they really don't think you can see them, LOL. Happy Holidays to you and yours. Jane
Michelle, this is too cute!! It may sound funny, but this looks like something our westie would do! Ha! Hope you have a Merry Christmas! Rea
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Soooooooooo cute! Hehe!
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