Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday randoms

Whoaaaa I'm slacking! But I couldn't let Friday get by without my weekly post (especially since most time it's the ONLY day I post LOL)

1: Just got home from a yummy fish fry with a good friend. My friends are the best therapy out there ....  the adult beverages that are consumed during our dinners help a little bit too.

2: When I am done posting this, I am GOING TO MY CRAFT TABLE TO FINISH THAT CARD THAT I STARTED 2 MONTHS AGO!!! Yes, I am yelling! It's the only way I'll listen!

3: Tuesday was registration for the boys. Can I just say I am really glad I have boys?? Adding an extra $50 to the back-to-school bill in order to pretty up a locker is not my idea of fun. But apparently all the girls do it. 

Yep. Wallpaper. Where the heck to they put their books? 

4: In exactly one month, our exchange student will be coming from Germany! He will stay with us for 2 weeks, then he goes to Chicago for a few days & New York for a few days. When my son is a senior, he will go to Germany & stay with this same student & his family. So excited for both kids to have this experience! 

5: This....

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Linking up with: 


Kathleen said...

That kitten is so so cute. I hope your exchange student goes well.
Fridays Blog Booster Party #20

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