So to make up for my absence this week I thought I'd offer a small bit o' candy :)
Up for grabs is a High Hopes Woodland Santa & few fun Christmas-y charms from my Etsy store. I will ship anywhere -- & I will keep this open for one week. The winner will be drawn on Monday, November 29th using All you need to do to enter is leave a comment ---if you don't already follow me & would like to, great!! If you'd like to spread the word, super!! Not a must, but appreciated :)
You know what I would love to hear about?? I'd love to know if you've started your Christmas shopping yet. Are you an early bird?? Do you wait till the last mintue?? And the million dollar question ---are you one of those cuckoo birds that goes shopping at 4 am on Black Friday?? I never have & never will, but I am fascinated by those who do, lol!!
I am off to try to finish a card I've started 3 times!! Have a great day & thanks for visiting!!

I'm first?
I'm not an early bird :( I wait till the last minute ;)
Greetings from Poland :)
Lovely candy :)
i'm an early bird. I have bought almost everything by now :)
Winter greetings from Finland :)
Thanks for the chance to win this candy!
I love the charms!
I'm not an early bird =(
Hugs from Spain
I'm not an early bird
I'm always running at the last minute
I am very forgetful and always forget something
Hope you have a nice week
Thanks for the Candy
posted on my sidebar
Hugs from Venezuela
Great candy Michelle! I've been following you in my feed reader since your High Hopes days but just made it official. :) I love High Hopes!
I'm in Canada and will be taking my last vacation day on Friday. I was tempted to drive to Buffalo on Thurs. evening but have decided against it as I hate crowds. I do most of my shopping at the last minute. I love High Hope stamps and have a few of them but haven't made any cards with them for a while. Must change that! I am a follower of your blog.
Hi Michelle,
I do my Christmas shopping at sales during the year - and for the most part, I am almost finished by October - and only end up needing to shop for a few pressies in November. But once December hits, I avoid the stores BIG time!! There are a few big shopping centres in my city that stay open for 24 hours on Christmas Eve but you will NEVER see me there - all those crowds, stressed people and fighting over car parking - uggh - what a way to suck the Christmas spirit out of a person! The only problem I have is trying to remember where on earth in the house are all the gifts that I have bought!! In fact, only today, I found a bag that somehow ended up in DH's wardrobe and pulled out some gifts I bought for last Christmas.....whoops! Should I change the expiry date on the chockies to THIS year - would anyone notice! LOL! Oh well.....
And shop at 4am on Black Friday? Nooooooo - I love my bed too much. Well, unless my local scrapbooking shop had fill a big bag for $1, THEN I might be cooky enough!
Thanks Michelle for the chance to enter for the Blog Candy.
I shop the first few weeks of Dec. and definitely stay home on Black friday. I always had to work on the Friday after Thanksgiving so never shopped. I am retired but have no desire to shop on Black Friday because I have heard lots of horror stories about the shopping crowds. Darling charms and a great Santa.
Haven't started holiday shopping yet! I usually wait til the last minute (not VERY last minute but I cut it close!).. I do not shop on Black Fridays.. I am usually away from home, but if I were home, I'd online shop! I might try to buy "handmade" gifts this year from etsy...
Hi Michelle, I really love your humor! I have started Christmas shopping, and yes, I have been one of those 4am shoppers before. But it wasn't so pleasant, so never did it again! I love the little stamp and charms, thank you for the chance to win! Hugs, Rea P.S. love the thank you card you made.
Never an early bird and usually work the day after Thanksgiving delivering the mail so don't do Black Fridays mostly. I have been a follower for some time now and enjoy your work. Happy Thanksgiving! Carol M in TX/
Thank you very much for this opportunity!
I have not yet begun to do my Christmas shopping ... I miss my letter and I'm thinking that I can give to my family and friends, but every year is more difficult!
Greetings from Barcelona!
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Lovely candy Michelle! I'm an early bird, love to start Christmas shopping early but I can't stand doing the Black Friday, waiting in line and the store is so crowd, not to mention the parking and traffic. I usually make homegifts and order things on line. Thanks for the chance to win.
As much as I love Xmas, I always wait to the last minute to buy my gifts. BF is to much rush for me. LOL. tks for the chance to win.
We went to only 2 stores, and that was at 9:30 am. Since I shop year round, there is not much that will get me out of bed at 3am!! Hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving!
Hi Michelle. Oh heck yes, I have started my Christmas shopping. I have gone out to the stores BEFORE Black Friday and try not to go back until after Christmas. Shopping on-line is much easier and the gifts are delivered right to your front porch! LOL! Am I a cheater? I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Yes, I have started my shopping but right now all I have is a bunch of sacks of who knows what. I need to sort it out so I know what I have left to do. In my younger days I would go early - not 4 but maybe 7. Now this old bird stays home all snuggly in her bed! Yes, I am a follower of your blog and love reading it. Thank you for the sweet candy and I am so glad you are feeling better.
I have bought nothing1!! Does it count if I have my cards finished except for addressing?? Since my kids all live out of town, I will do lots of gift cards! They love that! Thanks for offering such great candy! Love your blog!
I was one of those crazy early bird shoppers on Friday. I went to get my daughter a new TV. I have finished most of my shopping. I try and start in July. Thank you for all that you post. I love your cards.
Have a great week!
Wanda Hendricks
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