I just HAD to share another recipe with you -- I know, I know -- I'm spending WAY more time in the kitchen lately than in the craft room. I go in spurts. I really do love to bake -- much more than cook -- probably because I *choose* to bake, but I *have* to cook. And when I'm cooking dinner I'm usually really rushed & I hate that.
My wonderful mom had both Christmas Eve & Christmas Day at her house, & all I had to bring was dessert. I made 2 pies, including my very first *real* (meaning not out of a can or box, actually cooked on the stove!) chocolate cream pie. It turned out AWESOME!
1- 2/3 cup water
4 TBSP cornstarch
6 TBSP baking cocoa
1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk
3 egg yolks, beaten
2 TBSP butter
1 tsp vanilla
pinch of cinnamon
1 baked pie crust
Whipped cream
Mix water, cornstarch & baking cocoa until smooth. Stir in condensed milk & egg yolks. Cook until thick in saucepan. Stir in butter & vanilla. Cool slightly, whisking constantly. Pour into baked pie crust; chill. Add whipped cream.
SOOOO easy but a couple of notes. First -- make sure you are whisking the entire time the filling is cooking AND while it's cooling. Whisk whisk whisk. Do not stop whisking. It is key to keeping the filling smooth & unlumpy. Second -- when you put it in the fridge, put saran wrap tightly over the filling. Don't worry, it won't stick. This is a must or else it will get rubbery. Third -- what pie isn't better with a homemade pie crust? I use the Pillsbury refrigerated crusts - I haven't tried my own yet because I'm usually making the pie for others, & I would really hate for the pie crust to completely SUCK. So I really need to make a pie just for us & try to make my own.
I can't even tell you how good this is. And you know what else is good? BREAD!! Guess what I got from my mom for Christmas -- a bread machine!! I've wanted one for a while & just couldn't decide which one I wanted, so my mom decided for me! It's not top-of-the-line, but it's perfect for someone who has never ever used one. I made my first loaf yesterday -- just basic white bread -- & it turned out fantastic. I will be doing lots of 'sperimenting in the near future. If you have any good bread machine recipes, let me know!
You'll be happy to know that I haven't had time to go through all my Xmas photos, lol -- so no pics of cats or kids -- just food today :) I will be glad when the holidays are over & we can all get back into our routine. Kids in school, husband at work, & hopefully me in my craft room at some point!

for your recipe you used whipped cream. I guess like a cool whip? And was this after or before you put in refrigerator? And is that toasted coconut on top? It looks like it came out so good! Thanks for sharing! Carol M in TX/carolswingster77@aol.com
GIVE ME THE PIE AND NO ONE GETS HURT! Lol, that looks fantastic sweetie, I am almost tempted to try it but my baking skills are, to say the least, limited. I may sit here and drool for a bit so if your computer screen is a bit sticky later on you can blame me. Huge festive hugs, Sxx
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! That looks SOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD! :)
OooOo Michelle! I am totally salivating here! hahahah! That looooooks HEAVENLY! thank you for the recipe! :)
And yayyy on the bread machine! How sweet of your Mom! :)
I saw the head-line and the pie, and I had to be a follower... ;o) Happy new year from Denmark, Marlene
Wow!!! That pie is calling my name right now. It looks so delicious and yummy and can you tell I haven't had any sugar today:-) Thank you so much for sharing on Trick or Treat Tuesdays.
A chocolate pie with sweetened condensed milk! Oh I am so making this.
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