Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Hello 2015!

Huh, I must be feeling ambitious .... 2 posts in one week! Well I OF COURSE had to talk about the coming year, & what I hope to accomplish.

My resolution for 2015 is to catch up on my resolutions from 2012, 2013 & 2014!


Seriously, I do have some things I hope to follow through with this year:

1: Get back to some kind of crafting, any kind. I realized I'm a much happier person when I have something to call my own. Maybe it would be easier if there were another girl in this house. I'm surrounded by boys, who all think crafting is stupid & a waste of time. To them I say ....

So, whether I start stamping again (with what's left of my stuff) ..... or making jewelry .... or fine tuning my photography .... I will do something that makes me happy :)

2: I know this is cliche, but I really do hope to get into shape this year. Last summer my son & I were walking about 3 miles, 3 to 4 times a week. Then I got sick, & didn't do it for about 3 weeks. Then school started & things got busy & we just didn't do it anymore. He has a weight training class at school that he loves, & he keeps asking if we can join the Y. For a family, it's $83 a month. The other 2 peeps in this family could stand to get some exercise as well, it's just a matter of WOULD we all go? Would we have the motivation? Is that monthly fee motivation enough to go? (I am pretty frugal, after all!) When it's zero degrees outside, am I going to want to leave my warm house to go to a gym & workout?? I just don't know. I know I have to do it. It's either that or *gasp* start eating healthy, & if you know me at all you know that's just not happening. And heart disease runs in my family big time. I'm 47 years old. My grandpa died from a heart attack when he was 47. My uncle died from heart issues when he was 43. And my dad had quad bypass when he was 53. All the same side of the family, the side I take after. So .... that right there should be my motivation! 

3: Another cliche - organization. Just today I took 9 bags of crap gently used items to Goodwill. My plan is to tackle one tiny area of this house a week. And by tiny area, I mean - not a whole dresser, just a drawer. If I'm feeling it, then I'll tackle another drawer. I know if I set my goals higher, I will just throw my hands up & say "forget it, too much work". 

So those are the 3 things I'm really going to work hard at. Do any of these look similar to your resolutions?? Any words of encouragement?? 

Happy New Year to all, & if you're going out tonight ~~BE SAFE ~~


Jocelyn aka JoBear2 said...

Happy New Year Michelle!

If doing some sort of craft makes you happy, GO for it. You could try something new like cross-stitching because you don't have to spend a ton of money & it's not difficult. There are alot of cross-stitch card making magazines so you can make small samples & not start with something overwhelming. Often these mags come with little kits too.

Yes, we ALL need to get out and get moving and it's a matter of making it part of your routine. My DH has lost 40lbs just by doing half an hour of exercise before dinner each night. When he didn't feel like it because he was tired from work, he did it anyway because it was his routine.

Oh, I am a BIG one for getting rid of stuff/clutter. I do it every January. Decluttering your house declutters your mind IMHO and I find it very cathartic. Some craft stuff I wasn't sure of whether I should sell it/get rid of it I put in a box & gave myself a year. Some of it I did sell on EBay - the rest I donated as I hadn't missed anything that was in the box - I forgot what was in there anyway! You feel guilty for spending money on craft stuff you don't use so you keep it out of the guilt. Just get rid of it & throw the guilt out with it ;-) I de-clutter drawers and kitchen cupboards each year too - you forget what you have & you don't use half of the stuff so therefore you don't really need it & someone else will get use out of it. Go for it!!!

Hope this helps :-)

Jocelyn x

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