Friday, August 7, 2015

Friday randoms

Hi everyone!! Happy Friday to all!! I'm posting this earlier than usual because I have off today!! #vacationdaysrock

Here are my 5 random happenings/ thoughts for the week:

1: It's my birthday today! Yes, that's part of why I took off. It was also my son's 13th birthday on Wednesday, so we are co-celebrating. The highlight?? Seeing the Minions movie with my boys today. Can't wait!

2: It was also this fluffball's birthday yesterday. Lots of birthdays this week! 

Elwood just turned 20 years old! Can you believe it?? He definitely got the good genes. 

3: I did a little shopping yesterday. Since I don't get presents I thought I'd get something for me, from me. I found something at Hobby Lobby. And Charming Charlie. Oh, & the thrift store. Aaaaaand Target. What can I say, I'm generous like that.

4: When I was at Hobby Lobby, I strolled through the paper craft aisle. I do that every time I'm there, even though I've only made one card in the past year & a half. I kind of feel obligated - I waited so many years for there to be a Hobby Lobby near my house! And now they're building another in the next town over! I miss crafting, & am really feeling the need to do something. Especially now that my boys are older & have their own lives. I did start a card about a month ago, maybe I'll finish that this weekend to get the creative juices flowing again.

5: It was a day of epiphanies, because when I was at the thrift store I also realized how much I miss selling on Ebay. I know Ebay isn't that great a place to sell anymore. Lucky for me there are many sites available know. I may even give Amazon a try. I'd love to fund our Disney trip next year solely with side gigs .... whether it be blogging, selling on Ebay/ Etsy/ Amazon, or selling through the online rummages on Facebook. I have so much crap nice stuff to sell, someone should really have the opportunity to buy some of it :)

Linking up with: 

High Five For Friday

Five on Friday

Friday Blog Booster party

Hope you have a super weekend! 


Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle - Happy Birthday !! I'm with you - present shopping for oneself on your birthday is mandatory round these parts - hope you had a beautiful day. I'm trying to get the creative juices flowing as well with the paper crafts - I have a scrap book album three quarters done that's calling my name so actually attended (I never do) a scrapbooking group yesterday. Scary place but got a page done so all good. I enjoyed your "random" Friday post. Your neighbour at Friday's Blog Booster Party.

Kathleen said...

Well happy birthday especially to you, your son and the cat. Wow 20 years is a good innings, I guess there must be some more lives left. Thanks for sharing all this with us on Fridays Blog Booster Party #18

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you, your son and the cat. I'm so glad you got to treat yourself. I love a good trip to Hobby Lobby and Target.

Thanks for linking up to H54F!

Jocelyn aka JoBear2 said...

Happy Birthday Michelle - and to your son - and to Elwood! Wow, 20 is just amazing! I miss your cards but sometimes when you've been away from cardmaking, it's really hard to dive back in. We have the equivalent to Hobby Lobby here called Spotlight & the papercrafting section seems to get smaller & smaller when I visit - and the knitting/crochet/wool section gets larger & larger!

Jocelyn x

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