Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday. Again. Already.

Wow, this weekend went by in a flash! And I didn't even do anything FUN! What was supposed to be a weekend of church festivals & lying by the pool, turned into a trip to Woodman's & a decluttering bonanza. It was just wayyyy to0 hot outside. I love summer & all that is has to offer, but I'm really not a fan of the heat. Give me anything between 50 & 70 degrees & I'm good. 

Now here's a smart puppy!! 

It was even too hot to swim! I think the pool water probably would have been boiling. Or at least simmering :)   I took a bunch of crap gently used items to Goodwill on Saturday, then decided to take a trip to Woodman's since it's right there. 3 hours later (truth!) I was home making dinner. After dinner I got to cleaning out my son's closet, & I know have 3 more bags of crap gently used .... ok, CRAP to get rid of.

And Sunday I asked the boys if they wanted to go to the pool. Nope, they were fine hanging out in our air conditioned house. I did go work out. Did you know they do NOT keep gyms very cool in the summer? They're gonna be sorry when they see me splayed out on the floor one of these days. Did I mention I don't like HOT? 

So I got a lot of cleaning & decluttering, food shopping & cooking done. Speaking of cooking .... about that photo from my post the other day.  Some of you guessed it was a fried Oreo & you were right!! 

I personally didn't try any, but everyone else said they were fabulous. Look, I even found a recipe for them HERE

In case deep fried Oreos don't float your boat, they also offer Twinkies, Snickers, Milky Way, beer and butter .... all in deep fried form. 

I didn't have my good camera, just my phone ... but here are a few more pix from our day:

Milk is just 25 cents a cup at this stand .... & available in all these yummy flavors. Last year they had Birthday Cake & Froot Loop! 

Every kind (& name) of hot sauce you could ever imagine. And yes, you get to taste test. There is a warning sign though, an adult must be present for a child to test the hot sauce. Hm. Wonder why.

For your next batch of ass kickin chili....

My cousin & his wife & daughter were with us. He's smirking because he KNOWS she's not eating this cream puff correctly. You don't eat it like a sandwich, silly ...

You twist it in half like an oreo & eat each half separately, like my hubby here. Sheesh. Amateurs! 

And for those of us who don't like cream puffs (I know, I get flack every year) there is this bad boy .... the napolean! First time I had one of these was at the Folk Fair in High School .. many MANY years ago. Love these so much, but you get a whole SLAB at the fair for just $5. Two people eating this & there was still half left. They don't exactly hand out doggy bags at the fair so we had to toss the rest * sob *

And on the way, after an entire day of eating, we saw the following: 

Peanut Butter Bacon Bison Burger
Deep Fried Maple Bacon Cookie Dough
Bacon Flavored Cheese Corn
Bacon Bottom Porker Pizza (my husband actually did have this, but I didn't get a picture)
& of course ... Bacon Covered Bacon

Seeing a common theme here?? They should really have cardiologists walking around with security! 

Linking up with: 

Monday Madness

MeetUp Monday

Inspiration Monday

   *****Have a super week!*****


Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun time!

Unknown said...

Haha, a cardiologist might be a good thing! :) I bought my husband chocolate covered bacon once; it sounded gross to me but since it was two of his favorite things, I thought he might appreciate it. Amazingly, he did. Me, not so much! ;-) #DebbieInShape

Unknown said...

That is a lot of temptation.
I don't even remember when it was the last time my friend and I went to a fair. We are quitters. LOL
We need a day between Saturday and Sunday, Michelle.
Have a great week!

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