IS THAT NOT THE COOLEST????? Did you write your name in the snow?? Don't pee in the snow! Just write your name with your mouse. Seriously WHO comes up with this stuff??
NOW to my holiday freak-out .........
WHO thought it would be a good idea to have Christmas on December 25th this year?? Who moved it up??
You'd think by now I would learn to start Christmas shopping a week earlier. Because I always need just one more week.
Since I'm behind on everything -- I thought I'd post another card from Christmas past.

(Yuck - the photo looks really dark to me. Maybe it's just all the red flowers. Sure wish I could say my photography has improved -- but the picture would probably look the same if I took it again today LOL)
Rather appropriate - as right now I feel like that cat hanging from a branch, lol! The original post is HERE. Wow, I thought it was from last year but it was from 2 years ago!! I love all the High Hopes images, but I think the Christmas & winter images are my favorites :) I can't believe I've only been able to make one or two Christmas cards this year -- & NO projects :( I'll have to be really original & give my kids teachers GIFT CARDS! In store bought envelopes!! *gasp*
We went to my husband's work holiday part last weekend & I really want to post a few of the pictures here. If you're my friend on Facebook, you can go to my album to see them all (you LUCKY ducks!!). Otherwise I will post them here in the next couple of days. Just a couple. Wouldn't want to bore you -- like the people who want you to see their vacation slides -- only 352 of them!
Here's a picture of my son helping me make some cookies yesterday.....
See??? I've done SOME holiday stuff!!!

I am soooo relieved to know Squirrel Towers isn't the only household in total chaos, and I don't have the excuse of kids! Had to resort to shop-bought cards (oh the shame of it) and the tree is still in the loft and I'm working right up til the last moment and and and and ..... This may be a bit of a drive-through Christmas, lol! Loving the card hun (red is such a little devil to photo), and I really need that stamp! Wishing you and the family the very merriest of Christmasses, and thank you for all the smiles you have shared with us this year. Huge hugs, Sxx
Such a cute image and fabulous design. Love it!
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