So here is the card that took me a while to get done .....
I ADORE penguins & I especially ADORE Crissy penguins! I *squealed* when I saw this new Whimsy Stamps image (I did! Ask her! She heard me all the way from Canada!) Snowman & Penguins. I will eventually own ALL of her penguin images -- right now my printer is wonky & won't print just black & white. I think it's an all-in-one type cartridge -- but something must be out of alignment because it comes out with eensy weensy specks of color where there should be only black. I tried printing in greyscale & black & white, neither helped :( Maybe Santa will bring me a nice NEW printer for Xmas :)
Anyway, I colored the image with pencils -- then did something totally funky & stupid with the background. I hated how it looked & I *knew* I shouldn't have tried it. Don't you hate when that happens? It looks like an easy image to color but for some reason it took me a LONG time. So --instead of trying to print it again, & coloring it again, I did the dreaded cutting-the-image-out deal -- & sponged the background paper before popping it on there. The papers are Bazzill, & Basic Grey Jovial & Wassail. The sentiment is from one of those cute little clear stamp packs from Michael's. I used a Snow Writer pen to edge the main layer & can I just say I HATE that thing, lol. It kept clogging up & the only way to get it to work was to wash the cap in hot water -- I'd get maybe one side done & it would clog again. Sheesh no wonder it takes me so long to make a card!

I wish I'd gotten a close up of the snowball the penguin is holding -- it's all.....SNOWY -- but I was a bit rushed taking the photos -- I always think about stuff like that AFTER I put away the light box, camera, tripod, lights --
Be sure to check out the other artists over at Sundays with Crissy!
I really hope you all are further along with your holiday preps than I am. I have some presents bought, nothing wrapped. No cookies baked. But we have been doing some fun stuff. Aside from the Midnight Magic last weekend (pictures HERE) we went to Candy Cane Lane on Saturday night, which is a subdivision in which all the neighbors try to out-light & out-decorate the others. They've been doing this for as long as I can remember & the place is so popular now -- it's bumper to bumper every night, as we found out Saturday! We weren't really dressed for the weather but next year we will definitely bundle up, park the car & WALK it! We could have walked it 3 times in the time it took us to drive! I will have a few pics tomorrow.
And yesterday we went to my husband's work party. He's been there 18 years & we've never attended a Christmas party. But when I found out where it was this year I insisted we go. It was at Discovery World, which is a tech/science type totally hands on museum. SO much fun. I will also have pics of that as soon as I sort through all 82. Don't worry, I won't post all 82, lol
Thanks so much for visiting!!!

Michelle, this is so cute! I love the background and the popped up image!
It is a darling card, so beautifully put together and colored so pretty. Your cards are always amazing.
I totally love your backdrop for the image Michelle... kinda glad you had to cut it out, because it just glows like that! Happy mistake, I'd say! I so love the frosty snowy edges, they look amazing! Glad you took the time! This is spectacular, as always!!!!!
Nice job Michelle! Love that you cut out the snowman :) You know how I love cutting!! Can't wait to see pictures of the party...
Your card is Gorgeous!!...I love the image...and I think your background is perfect!! I am just about done my xmas shopping. All our kids are coming lots of preparations still to be made. It's going to be fun though with little Ellie. Take Care and I wish you and your family a Totally Wonderful Happy Christmas!!..Holiday Hugs!! Ila
Hi Michelle! I had to laugh at the problems you had with your card cuz......I go thru the exact same thing. LOL I could totally identify with you.......every step of the way. Too funny! But it sure turned out cute, cute, cute. Love it! It's was worth all of the effort you put into it.
Huggies ~
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