That said, I had a SUPER FUN day on the last day of school Tuesday. It's a tradition here in our town to have a shaving cream fight amongst the middle school kids. God help them if they're caught with any in their lockers .... but all the parents meet them at various side roads & store parking lots, where they load their kids up with ammo. Matthew didn't get to do it last year, because I needed him home right away because his brother is too young to be home alone (unless you ask him. He will tell you he is PLENTY old to be home alone). This year I took the day off. Oh, I'm so glad I did!!! I asked Matthew if he minded me tagging along to take pix. At first he said no. I told him my friend would take pictures for me then. He said "Fine, you can come, if you don't follow me". Me? Follow? Never!
He's armed & ready for action!
This kid got hit early - all the kids weren't even out of the school yet! I think he foamed himself, just to be funny LOL
Because there's Matthew, across the street - waiting for his posse to come out of the pharmacy. Matthew instructed me to stop at Target by my work the day before to buy the goods, because all the stores pull their shaving cream the few days before. Well guess what - this pharmacy had a sign in the window that said "Shaving cream $1" -- those enablers! Wish I had taken a picture of that sign, it was quite funny :)
Why is the only DRY kid a boy??
Did you know shaving cream doubles as hair product?
Here he comes, not nearly as foamy as his friends (enemies?) - & he's still holding the same 2 cans LOL
Nice action shot. If I didn't know any better, I'd say this was his version of giving me the finger. "I said don't follow me!"
I love this picture - it shows what a great time he had with his friends on his very last day of middle school.
All the kids make their way from the school to the beach, where they jump in to wash all the foam away. I didn't even have to blur any faces, lol - nobody is recognizable!
After Matthew was done galavanting in the lake, we picked up his brother from the grade school. He came in with me because he wanted to see some of his old teachers, and he wanted to say good bye to the principal, who is retiring after 25 years at the school. I am so sad. He has been the best. principal. ever. Everyone loves him, & whomever takes over is going to have some ginormous shoes to fill.
I took the kids to Culver's for lunch, which is something we did every last day of school until I started working. Everyone goes there & it's just a party. A party with great food! You know, I think I'm going to take every last day of school off from work from now on. I should have done it last year, but I was saving up my vacation days for our Disney trip. I had a blast! It's hard to believe my first born will be in high school come fall. Time really does fly once they're in school. So if you have little ones, enjoy every single moment!!!
what a lovely posting- really nice to read - nothing like that in the UK...thank goodness....nearer to the camera situation...hubby took me to the shop to try some hand in pocket to buy that day though - think he had extra long pockets and short arms....but it is progress!
Sarah x
Oh I love it hun, what a brilliant day you must have had! Sxx
Great pictures and looks like all the kids had so much fun!
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